Change or Reset Account Password, Email, Phone


To change account email or password, and to reset password, you can follow the step-by-step instructions  below. If you have any questions or issues, please start a live chat with a support agent at

Change Account Password

  • Launch Solis App
  • Login with your registered email and password
  • Click on 'Account' menu and select 'Profile Setting


  • Click on the pencil icon to edit the 'Password' field and confirm



Reset Account Password

There are two ways you can reset your account password: 1) Solis App, or 2) Portal

    1. Always ensure you have the latest Solis App Version downloaded
    2. Launch Solis App or visit Portal
    3. Click on the 'Log in' option and select 'Need help signing in?"
    4. You will be directed to the 'Recover Password' page and you'll input your registered email:Screen_Shot_2021-07-08_at_12.00.21_PM.png
    5. Once you input your email, click 'Next' and you'll receive a pop-up message that indicates 'Success!'
    6. Go to your email inbox and look for the email subject line "Change your Skyroam Account Password"
      • If you cannot find the reset password email, please check your spam/junk folder
    7. Follow the instructions in the email  and click on the URL to change your passwordScreen_Shot_2021-07-08_at_11.57.49_AM.png
    8. There are no special requirements for setting password. You'll need to input new password and new password again to ensure our system captures the new password:Screen_Shot_2021-07-08_at_11.54.47_AM.png
    9. Once you've successfully changed your password, you'll receiving the following message:Screen_Shot_2021-07-08_at_11.55.36_AM.png

Change Account Email 

  • Launch Solis App
  • Login with your registered email and password
  • Click on 'Account' menu and select 'Profile Setting


  • Click on the pencil icon to edit the 'Email' field and confirm



Change Account Phone 

  • At the moment, there are no options to change the registered phone number on your account
  • You'll need to contact our Customer Support team to change/edit/remove your phone number
  • Please start a live chat at
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