To change account email or password, and to reset password, you can follow the step-by-step instructions below. If you have any questions or issues, please start a live chat with a support agent at
Change Account Password
- Launch Solis App
- Login with your registered email and password
- Click on 'Account' menu and select 'Profile Setting'
- Click on the pencil icon to edit the 'Password' field and confirm
Reset Account Password
There are two ways you can reset your account password: 1) Solis App, or 2) Portal
- Always ensure you have the latest Solis App Version downloaded
- Launch Solis App or visit Portal
- Click on the 'Log in' option and select 'Need help signing in?"
- You will be directed to the 'Recover Password' page and you'll input your registered email:
- Once you input your email, click 'Next' and you'll receive a pop-up message that indicates 'Success!'
- Go to your email inbox and look for the email subject line "Change your Skyroam Account Password"
- If you cannot find the reset password email, please check your spam/junk folder
- Follow the instructions in the email and click on the URL to change your password
- There are no special requirements for setting password. You'll need to input new password and new password again to ensure our system captures the new password:
- Once you've successfully changed your password, you'll receiving the following message:
Change Account Email
- Launch Solis App
- Login with your registered email and password
- Click on 'Account' menu and select 'Profile Setting'
- Click on the pencil icon to edit the 'Email' field and confirm
Change Account Phone
- At the moment, there are no options to change the registered phone number on your account
- You'll need to contact our Customer Support team to change/edit/remove your phone number
- Please start a live chat at
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